Monday, August 18, 2008

Can Online Dating Actually Succeed?

The short answer is: yes. The long answer is: they do, but you have to work to make it happen, like anywhere else. The good news is many people find it easier and safer dating on online dating services than in real life as they can check people out before they meet face to face. It is however a different experience for men and women.

Ladies, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself “do online dating services really work?” and “how do I meet that special someone?” Let me tell it to you straight. You’ll get innumerable messages from guys. To keep their attention, all you really have to do is reply and not act crazy. Or at least too crazy in the wrong way for that guy.

So once you make contact, feel free to ask for his number or to meet in real life, especially if it seems that he's dragging his feet doing so. What's the worst that could come of it? He doesn't like it and you move on to the numerous others you have waiting to talk with you.

Now for your profile: Unless you’re fairly average looking but like to be told you’re pretty, post a kind of small and grainy picture or don’t post one at all. Guys will still send you messages, but will spend more time getting to know your personality.

So what should you write? You want to show some of what you're like but not too much. Really long profiles, pictures of who else is in you life, and short stories you've written are a bit too much to handle. You need to let him try to find out more about you because that's what makes them comfortable. Besides, you want to be protected from stalkers or people who want to steal your identity.

And for all you guys, you have to ask yourself if these services for online dating actually works. It is much easier to jot off one, two, or twenty emails to start talking with somebody instead of meeting some random person on the street. They will still be hard at times even though they are online conversations. You still have to make that move.

So, let's get that profile the way it needs to be. She's going to see it most likely after you've already contacted her. So remember to write it that way to fill in some of the gaps. No selling yourself to try to entice her to talk to you, but share some things about what makes you unique, that there is more to you than just that little email you sent. And you need at least 2 pictures. One needs to show that you do have fun doing those things you said you like to do. The other needs to be with you enjoying your time with some of your friends.

So do online dating services really work? They can if you do the right things in the right way. It’s different though, conversations that would take minutes in the real world may take weeks online, but you can also get comfortable with someone in no time at all before ever meeting them.

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To get more info on eharmony and other great online dating services, be sure to check out this great site about web dating ( You will be glad you did. Click here to get your own unique version of this article.

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